Token Based Support
Our specialists are here day and night to help resolve issues with your team,
providing you with the confidence to implement the advice we provide.
Your Safety Net in Times of Crisis
While systems generally behave themselves, there are times when things go wrong and you need an answer fast. Token Based Support is like an insurance policy. We hope you never need to use it, but it’s there in times of crisis and uncertainty, or where you need a qualified opinion.
Whether you’ve exhausted your in-house knowledge or require emergency assistance with a P1 issue, our specialists can provide help where you need it most. Token Based Support puts specialists at your fingertips, helping troubleshoot everything from performance degradation to a site-wide P1 event, and everything in between.
Furthermore, we can advise on how to undertake complex system changes, with access to 24×7 support across a wide range of technologies from the likes of Microsoft, Check Point, Cisco, HPE, VMware and Citrix.
How does Token Based Support work?
Our service provides a low-cost safety net, enabling you to get in touch with our experts night and day. Simply select the support you require and get in touch when you need to.
Packs of tokens are purchased upfront in quantities of 5, 10, 20, or 50, with a 12-month expiration or consumption limit. Each token provides up to 3 hours of remote specialist support, and there’s no rollover of unused time. Tokens can’t be refunded, transferred, or carried over to future agreements. Support includes remote assistance via RescueAssist, potential upgrades, and monthly automated email reports on ticket details.
Our Service Plans
Despite best intentions, IT teams can sometimes find themselves lacking the skills or experience to handle the kind of challenges posed by today’s technologies.
Token Based Support solves this by providing access to two tiers: Essentials, Advanced and Ultimate, allowing you to select the appropriate level of support for your skills gaps and service requirements. Each tier contains a set of supported products, from leading IT vendors

Limitations and Exclusions
Tokens are non-refundable and non-transferable, and they cannot be carried over to future agreements.
Exclusions from token-based support include implementation, configuration, application updates, products without vendor support, altered products, third-party scripts, issues due to negligence or misuse, on-site support, health check tools, solution design, hardware maintenance, and project work.
Why Choose Ultima?
Our specialists are here day and night to help resolve the issue with your team, providing you with confidence to implement the advice we provide.

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