Simplify cloud management
and governance

with IA-Cloud from LABS, part of Ultima’s Managed Cloud

Cloud management
and governance
doesn’t have to
be complicated

The rise of modern cloud infrastructure has left companies asking how best to manage and utilise their new cloud estates – whether it’s traditional virtual machine usage or more advanced platform services. This is coupled with the fact that deep technical skills are required to manage modern cloud environments, but demand is outstripping supply in virtually every industry.

How can companies of all sizes manage things effectively and proactively as well as securely?
IA-Cloud, Part of Ultima’s Managed Cloud, is designed to help customers do just that

Take control
of your cloud

IA-Cloud is a SaaS based cloud governance and management service designed to help customers get the most out of the cloud with less effort.

IA-Cloud enables:


Simplified management, monitoring, governance and cost control, as well as real-world optimisation services.

Cloud-native monitoring that works with traditional virtual machines in the cloud, as well as cloud-based serverless resources.

Automated onboarding of new resources, as well as documenting your cloud environment as if you had your own technical consultant.

IA-Cloud helps remove the complexity of cloud and is compatible with Microsoft Azure and AWS.*
IA-Cloud – Intelligent Automation for the cloud, made simple.

*Coming soon.

“IA-Cloud giving you that
very quick access and
visibility saves you a lot of
time and a lot of money.”

Mike Cook, ICT Manager
at Sheffield City Trust

“IA-Cloud giving you that very quick access and
visibility saves you a lot of time
and a lot of money.”

Mike Cook, ICT Manager
at Sheffield City Trust

Feature Spotlight

Many customers want a one-stop shop for managing their cloud services, but these are difficult to come by. IA-Cloud is designed by technical cloud experts with over 30 years’ experience to bring together the features we know customers want into a single pane of glass.

BAU Governance

Maintaining your cloud environment in the best possible condition requires continuous effort. As you grow, information sprawl becomes a real problem. Our BAU governance automates this information sprawl by centralising and simplifying, allowing you to concentrate on what matters.

And as part of Ultima’s Managed Cloud, your backed by our experts guiding you every step of the way.

How We Can Help


IA-Cloud Platform Only

Get started with your own internal resources. Invite as many internal users to the platform from your company as you need to manage your cloud environments.


Ultima’s Cloud Break-fix service

This is the same as our IA-Cloud platform-only offering but is designed for customers who want extra peace of mind and someone to call if the worst happens, or if they are in a bind and require some expertise.


For customers who are looking for a fully managed cloud service. Our technical experts from 24×7 managed service center are combined with our IA-Cloud tooling and Ultima’s ServiceNow ITSM platform. With our combined services our customers are backed by Ultima every step of the way in managing and administering your cloud estate. Check out our Managed Cloud brochure here.


IA-Cloud over the last 12 months


Optimisation cost savings total across all customers tracking best practice, wastage and performance


Approx. number of pages of documentation automatically produced through automation


Approx. number of alerts generated and delivered


Number of optimisation recommendations with remediation information


Estimated number of working days saved through automation


Number of resources automatically detected and advised as non-compliant against security best practice

Our Key Partners


Free eBook from the experts

The world we live in is vastly different from just a couple of years ago – no wonder it’s being called the new normal.

For customers who were already leveraging the public cloud, we saw a substantial increase in spending. Across our customer base, cloud consumption increased at an exponential rate, and this shows no sign of changing. This increased usage has, in most cases, been born out of necessity due to the demands of hybrid working and the need to provide services that are remote-first in design.

In our technical eBook, compiled by our cloud experts, we look at the key Azure public cloud trends for 2023, 2024 and beyond, backed by the unprecedented events of the past and looking forward.


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