ESG Blog Series 4: Our Commitment to Social Sustainabaility
04/12/2022Ultima and Mimecast offer seven ways to protect your organisation from credential theft
08/12/2022At Ultima, we believe that good ethics are the foundation of good business.
Unethical behaviour can severely damage the trust stakeholders place in an organisation and compromise our ability to meet our ESG objectives.
Ultima is open and honest in communicating strategies, targets, performance and governance to its stakeholders in a continual commitment to sustainable development.
Our board and senior leadership have set principles defining rights, responsibilities and expectations between our different stakeholders in the governance of our ESG operations.
Our governance incorporates social and environmental performance, including human rights, in its decision-making. Our mission statement includes an explicit commitment to positive social and environmental change.
Consequently, our policies, approved by senior management, cover respect for human rights, health and safety, labour rights, environmental, and anti-corruption issues, including a commitment to meet legal requirements and relevant international standards.
Furthermore, our ESG High Impact Team has dedicated staff responsible for social and environmental issues, along with formal processes to integrate social and environmental issues into the company’s business strategy.
ESG Training is Key
Through our staff engagement programme we ensure that all management employees receive training in the ESG principles that align with Ultima’s corporate mission.
On our new intranet site, we have a landing page dedicated to sustainability, allowing people to self-serve and tell our sustainability journey to our customers and partners.
Regulatory Obligations
Ultima meets its lawful and regulatory obligations, prudent to the Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibilities. Company policy and sustainability controls enable Ultima to pursue economic growth in a way that maintains a strong sense of corporate responsibility.
Anti-Bribery and corruption – we take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption. We a recommitted to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. All decisions by Ultima’s staff as to how we conduct business must be able to withstand both internal and external scrutiny.
Whistleblowing – we are committed to the highest standards of quality, honesty, openness and accountability. Ultima believes it has a duty to take appropriate measures to identify any wrongdoing within the company and attempt to remedy it. If employees have any concerns about malpractice in the workplace, they are expected to raise such concerns internally in accordance with the procedure set out in our HR policy.
What’s next for Ultima 2023
Ultima is reviewing its Carbon Footprint across its value chain to meet our net zero commitment by 2035.
This means we will calculate all our carbon emissions across Scope 1, 2 and 3, including our supply chain for the distribution and use of our products. We know that up to 90% of our carbon footprint falls under Scope 3 emissions, making it crucial to developing our Carbon Reduction Strategy.
Calculating and reducing our carbon is also crucial for our tenders and partnership work.
We will map the business to the Sustainable Development Goals and incorporate our alignment to core goals in our reporting.
We are committed to continual improvement of our ESG programme.
We welcome input from our stakeholders to help towards a brighter and better future.